Be Anxious For Nothing

Sometimes I feel restless and my faith is shaken. What do I do when waiting on the universe to manifest my blessings? It is hard to continue to believe that things are working in your favor when all you see is the opposite. But waiting is what you have to do. You already know how to wait. We wait for things all the time in our everyday lives. We just need to learn how to apply it to our personal lives.

Have you ever planted a garden or seeds into soil? Were you ever told that it may takes weeks for that seed or those seeds to germinate. Then even longer for the first sprout is seen above the dirt? So what do you do in the mean time. You do nothing but wait, right? Or do you go digging in the soil to see if the seeds are germinating? Do you ultrasound the ground to see what process is happening under there? No you do not. You wait.

Doing nothing also includes thinking about it. There is no need to dwell on it. The universe does not need your help. So once you have made you request known, just let go, sit back and relax. Your thinking may interfere with the energy because your thoughts may wander and your request won’t seem so specific. A thought of doubt, second guessing, or fear may enter your mind. So don’t allow yourself to think about it for a long time while waiting on the universe. That is what you need to do when the Universe is working. It is okay if the thought floats in your mind but do not allow yourself to ponder it. Instead of dwelling on it when or if the thought comes into your mind, instead thank the universe as if you already have it.

You need to exercise your faith and wait until the process is complete. Wait until the universe is done manifesting and is ready to reveal your masterpiece to you.

My Prayers Have Been Answered

She runs over with excitement in her face. “Praise Jesus”, she says with excitement in her voice. I could tell that she had good news. I felt my heart rate increase as my excitement grew as well. “Tell me, tell me, what is it?” I have received the answer to my prayers and lets all rejoice.

This is how I always respond to good news. This is how I always help people celebrate their prayers being answered. Never saw anything wrong with it, well until now. Being more spiritually sophisticated has really caused me to become so much more aware than I was before. Sometimes I am not so sure that this awareness is best. Sometimes I think I was better off not being so aware.

I just realized that I have been wrong when I got excited about things. I really did not know that getting excited was an indication that I was very unstable in my emotions and immature in my spirituality. So, lets explore that for a minute. ☺

When you get excited when something goods happens and get sad when that thing does not happen is a sign of emotional instability. Apparently, our moods are supposed to be even and we should be so excited and grateful all the time. We should not wait until something good happens.

Getting excited indicated that you were not sure that the good thing was going to happen almost like you are shocked.


Happy New Year 2018

Many people make New Year’s resolutions. Getting healthy is one of those resolutions. People state things such as exercising more, eating healthy, and having a positive attitude as some of the possible resolutions. It is always a good idea to strive to be a better you. It is not necessary to wait until the New Year to start something new. I think people choose that date because it is a sign of new beginnings and it is easy to remember when you started. I have a recommend healthy smoothie recipe to share that may align with the getting healthy theme for the new year.

I call this smoothie The Purple RANE; Rich, Appetizing, Nutritious, and Energizing. Prep time: 9 minutes. This recipe makes 4- 12 ounce servings

½ head red cabbage
1 cup arugula
1 cup spinach
1 cup blueberries
1 small banana
1 cup strawberries
1 cup of plain yogurt
1 cup ice
1 cup of water
4 tsp flax seed meal
4 tsp cod liver oil

Slice ½ head cabbage into quarter size chunks. Blend ice, water, strawberries, and blueberries until smooth, then add rest of ingredients and continue to blend for 3 minutes on hi speed. Add more water for a thinner consistently. Dispense and enjoy.

This smoothie is packed with Omega-3, probiotics, lutein, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin glucosinolates, fiber, alpha-lipoic acid, antioxidants, anthocyanins, nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, Vitamins A, B, C, D and K. This smoothie have the ingredients that boosts the immune system.

You Haven’t Lost Anything But, Your Mind.

I wanted my blog to be more than just a bunch of words being thrown around or an expression of a rant. In my book entitled “Go ahead, Take The Wheel: Embracing Self-Care as the Future of Health”, I speak about how being healthy encompasses all aspects not just physical health. In order to be totally healthy, one must have emotional health, spiritual health, financial health, social health, along with physical health. This book can be purchase at . Today I want to address an area of emotional health that deals with missed opportunities; the one that got away, the job that got away, etc.

I believe that there are no such things as accidents and there is an appointed time for everything. Yes, there is an appointed time for everything. Nothing just happens. When the confusion and dust settles, you’d be left with a masterpiece that defines your purpose. Therefore, nothing has gotten away from you unless you have done something so reckless or stupid to cause a lost. I subscribe to the ideal ‘forward always, backwards never.’ I will explain the rationale for my thoughts.

First, of all, the scripture references pushing forward toward the mark; the prize of the high calling. It also references forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I feel that you should not go backwards to recapture something that you felt you’ve missed out on because there are too many variables involved. By that, I mean people may have change when you decide to go back. Not necessarily, the previous people have changed their opinions or ideas but the people are different in the respect that the people that were there before have moved on and the new people there do not know you or are not aware of your previous involvement or engagements. Second, the culture could have change. There could still be the same people that feel the same about you but they may be operating under new leadership or management that will not allow them to pursue you or feel you no longer fit with their agenda.

‘Forward always, backwards never.’ The human body eliminates what is not needed. I had a conversation with the local pharmacist about vitamins and he said that water-soluble vitamins just give us expensive pee. I thought that was so funny, but on a serious note the human body is designed to eliminate what is not needed and it does not long for it nor should we. Therefore, that concept is acceptable for me in daily life. I feel as though I have everything that I need and what got wasted or eliminated must not have been what I needed. Therefore, please, do not look back, go back, or long for something that the universe chose to eliminate from your life. You hurt God’s feelings when you’re constantly digging through the garbage to retrieve something that he obviously doesn’t want you to have.

To me, there is no such thing as a wrong or bad decision. The bible says a good man steps are ordered. I meditate and pray daily to the universe and ask that my ancestors, African and Native American, send me a sign. All decisions foster the opportunity to evolve. It allows you to create a situation to encounter this opportunity again or a better opportunity, only this time you are better prepared. I will write in a later blog about when the universe has re-created an opportunity for you and how you can still have what you thought was lost forever.

Do not confused reflection and introspection with second-guessing. They are two different things. Second-guessing implies doubt and lack of confidence. Reflection indicated a debriefing to evaluate the facts to see if the something could have been done differently to elicit a different outcome. This reflection is also an eye opener to help realize that what was pursued may not have even been the best venture for the moment, meaning that it could have been the right time but with the wrong person; the right person but at the wrong time.

I often watch TV shows about couples looking to purchase homes. The real estate broker takes them to several homes to choose. Then when the couple decides on the home that they wish to purchase the real estate agent tells them that they need to put their offer in immediately or they risk losing the house. They are told that there are other buyers looking at the house so they may need to increase their offer in order to procure the home. That is very crazy. That makes me angry because I feel that the couple should be allowed to think and wait and if that house goes to someone else then so beit. Another opportunity for a better house may come along.

When I was younger, I never dated or wanted to date men who had children even though I did. People told me that I was being unreasonable because it was not fair and it was not possible to either meet someone my age, on my educational, intellectual, financial level that was not married or at least have one child. Moreover, I began to believe that in the back of my mind. However, over the last five years, I have met quite a few very successful black men in my professional circle, who do not have any children and most have not even been married before. I have several male colleagues ranging from the age 39-53 who neither is married nor have children. A couple of them are divorced and one guy is currently separated. And they are not gay either. I am very impressed for several reasons. One reason that I am impressed is that the stereotype for black men having several baby mommas isn’t true. I am in my forties and the choices of men ain’t limited and I do not have to settle for whatever.

Oh yeah, and ladies. Do you want to know what else I’ve found out? There is no such thing as competition. Remember being told that women out numbered men? Well you are not my competition if you can’t comprehend that I am a closer. If I am playing basketball and you are running track, you are not my competitor. We ain’t even in the same league. If I’m trying to put a ball in a hole and you’re trying to block a field goal, you’re not my competitor. If you are looking for a sugar-daddy, and I am looking for a companion, you are not my competitor. If you’re into thugs, and I like refined men, you are not my competitor. If you are looking for a man to fill a void, and I am seeking someone who compliments my already established life, then you are not my competitor. If you’re looking for a pretty boy, and I am looking at the core, then your are not my competitor. For the scripture says ‘for things that are seen are transient, and things that are not seen are eternal. Furthermore, and most important. If God has ordained the union, you are not my competitor.

I do not understand the rationale for the rush. ‘You better get married to that person right now before you lose him to another; you had better accept that job right now because there are so many applicants.’ You do not have to do anything! You do not have to marry anyone, and you do not have to accept that job. I am happier now than I have ever been. The earth is round for a reason and everything comes full circle. You have not MISSED out on anything. You have not LOST anything. Just make sure that you realize that before you LOSE your mind.

Tasty Strawberry Smoothie

2 cups of fresh or frozen strawberries
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 banana
1/2 tsp flax seed meal
10 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. I only used 1/2 banana instead of a whole one because I wanted to taste the strawberries, not the bananas. Sometimes smoothie is too thick. Just add a little water or more ice cubes. I like my smoothie thick though. The thickness makes it seems more like a sweet treat.

Today’s Green Smoothie Recipe

One thing about the green smoothie. It does not always look good but, it can taste good. I find that most of them taste so much better than they look. I make sure that the ones I make taste real good because I put melon in it and it taste like a milkshake. This is a green smoothie recipe I recently tried.

1 cup fresh leafy spinach
1 cup fresh leaf baby kale
1 ripe banana
1 cup cold coconut water
½ honey dew melon
1tsp flaxseed meal
Blend all items together until smooth.

Today’s Smoothie

Today I made this smoothie with vegetables and fruit. I added the coconut water to offset the taste of the fruit because I do not like the taste of some vegetables. The pomegranate has its own strong taste and is not enough for me to mask the taste of some vegetables. Adding ALOT of fruit or adding yogurt can also minimized the taste of some strong vegetables such as spinach. I hope you enjoy this smoothie recipe.

1/2 cup baby kale
1/2 cup baby arugula
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 tsp flax seed
1/2 cup coconut water
1/4 cup of pomegranate juice

In a blender, combine all ingredients and blend on high until smooth, usually 20-35 seconds

Retnuh Health, LLC Home


It’s a new year. 2017 is here. Most people make a New Year’s resolution to get healthier and be a better person. However, less than half of those people stick to their resolution. I suggest choosing one goal at a time, be specific, and document your success. The You have one life. Enjoy it and try to care for it. Good luck in caring for yourself.

How Many Calories Do I Need?

How Many Calories Do I Need?

Hopefully most of you do not sleep 24 hours a day. So you burn calories from doing things such as exercising, but you also burn calories while sitting, showering, and even eating.

To maintain your current weight, your daily calorie consumption should equal 1.5 x your resting metabolic rate (RMR)

To lose weight at a healthy rate (i.e., lose fat mass instead of muscle mass & water weight) you need to be between your minimum calories (i.e., RMR) and your maintenance calories (i.e., 1.5 x RMR). The best way to reach your ideal weight is to add some physical activity into each day and make healthier food choices.

To gain weight at a healthy rate, consume more daily calories than needed for maintenance.

Calculate your Resting (Basal) Metabolic Rate


Your resting metabolic rate is how many calories you need even if you are doing nothing. Yep. Just sitting on the couch, you need a certain amount of calories to stay alive.

A five foot, five inch, 40 year old female needs 1472 Calories per day.

Method One Description:
Males: 66+ (6.22 x weight (lbs)) + (12.7 x height (inches)) – (6.8 x age)
Females: 655 + (4.36 x weight (lbs)) + (4.32 x height (inches)) – (4.7 x age)